Payment will be collected at check in
Thursday Throwdown is an in-person only event.
Winning placements for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place 1st. 65% 2nd. 25% 3rd. 10%
Top 4 paid out for tournaments < 24 entrants 1st. 50% 2nd. 25% 3rd. 15% 4th. 10%
Genesis Ruleset
- with the following exceptions/changes:
• Best 2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Games per Set
• 3/5 Games for Top 6
• Wisconsin Unified Stagelist
• Stagelist will have 3 bans with no DSR
• Starters: Smashville, Small Battlefield, Battlefield, Pokemon Stadium 2, Town & City
• Counterpicks: Kalos Pokemon League, Final Destination, Hollow Bastion
• Any stage acceptable if agreed upon by both parties (Gentleman’s rule)